Apples or Pears?

Size is a massive issue when choosing clothes, and many of us never know what size we actually are, let alone what outfits best suit our bodies.

Susannah Constantine (left) and Trinny Woodall (right)

Susannah Constantine (left) and Trinny Woodall (right)

Thanks to Trinny and Susannah, who managed to find a massive 12 different types of body shapes, it is possible to find things that will flatter whatever bit about you that you want to accentuate or hide.

Instead of just apple, pear and hourglass shapes, they added shapes like the brick, vase, cornet, lollipop, goblet, cello, bell, column and skittle.

In their book, ‘The Body Shape Bible’, which I found myself flicking through for hours earlier, they manage to find a woman for every shape and find her outfits that really worked. I thought I would share a few of them on here, for anyone who is confused about their size and wants to know what they actually are before trying to find the right clothes.pear-shape1

Apples= Wide torsos (full bust, waist and upper back). If an apples put on weight it is likely to stick to their stomach, chest and sometimes on the arms creating bingo wings. Apples are always top-heavy.

Pears= Child bearing hips, and big bums but little boobs and flat stomachs. Sadly for pear shapes like myself, the bottom half is almost always out of proportion to the small top halves.

Hourglass= Womanly. Hourglass women have big boobs and curvy waists and they really should make the most of what they are given because it is arguably the most flattering shape to be.

Bricks= Unfortunately masculine with flat bums, broad shoulders and no waist. skittle-and-vase

Vases= Basically a stretched out version of the hourglass. These are easier to dress as the body doesn’t curve quite so severely.

Skittles= Similar to pears, but instead of suffering from big hips, skittles have more weight slightly lower down on their thighs. The top half is fairly long and lean but the weight is all stuck around the chunky thighs.

Cornets= Athletic frame, slightly tomboyish with broader shoulders but perfect for the catwalk.

Lollipops= Top heavy, big boobs and little everywhere else. The envy of curvy girls who want to keep their boobs but loose the rest of their shape.

Goblets= Big boobs, tummies and broad backs balanced on long, slender legs. Like apples goblets are also top heavy, but it is easier for them to take the focus away from their top halves by showing off sexy slim legs.

Cellos= Exaggerated features so, again, big top halves and bottom halves, column-and-bellbut bums and thighs are slightly wider than the chests. Like the hourglass but an exaggerated version.

Bells= Petite women who have expanded throughout the years. Their once big round bottoms have become disproportionally large and their bodies have suffered from the ‘middle aged spread’.

Columns=  Tall with long limbs and evenly distributed weight. Most column’s don’t have very big boobs or bottoms and are simply straight up and down.

What size are you? Keep reading to find out how to dress for each shape.

23 Responses

  1. I’m none of these shapes.

  2. Yes you are bosley! You’re probably a vase I think. You have a normal waist and big bossoms!

  3. Think I’m an apple :S Reh…..I didnt kno ther was that many types of body shape!!!

    • APPLE! Are you serious?! your a skinny thing! you’re a cornet! I think I’ll have to put up more pictures so people know what the shapes look like a bit better. Thanks for looking though! xxx

  4. Eep, I’m one of those apple types. Didn’t realise women could be so many different inanimate objects.. 😛

  5. No worries love. I’m not gonna question you. You’re the expert!!! Interesting fact tho. I would never hav known that had it not been 4u. Cheers xx

  6. Is the top picture a man or woman? I think its the apple 1? Looks great nic 😀

  7. Phew, that’s good then. You should come to Brum one day and dress me up, Nikki.

  8. Im a Snug!

  9. No I actually dunno I did the quiz before and it said apple shaped but my mum says pear- but I have a big tummy and no arse! Sonali you are a rake woman! not an apple silly, I want to be an hourglass like helen xxx

  10. lol brick bedford. I am rooting for the cornet as my shape, perfect for my catwalk career.

  11. I wish- Kate Moss is a brick, Im just a big sack of cheese with a head 😦 xx

  12. I miss Trinny and Susannah…
    My shape is most definitely double-decker bus.
    No question or shadow of a doubt.

  13. I don’t feel like a vase, whatever you say 😛
    I like the definition for brick. UNFORTUNATELY masculine hahaha OUCH

  14. Am i Skittles? I have no idea. I think i’ll just stick to being a Sunny….

  15. […] Apples or Pears? […]

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  17. oh the irony. if people actually ate apples or pears, then they wouldnt be that shape

  18. rated site this nice to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

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